Product placement to solve P2P problems?
In these modern times, where people are not only skipping the ads with their DVRs and other TiVos but also spending less and less time watching TV and more and more time surfing the Internet and downloading TV shows, music and movies from P2P network, Product Placement might be the best solution for ALL of us!!
When you think of it, it has only advantages if done right:
- The companies advertising are sure that their products will be seen since they will be embedded in the content
- The viewers won't have to fight against ads
- The shows will become free, both in terms of advertisement and digital rights since the more they are viewed and distributed they better!
- P2P users will be able to download everything for free, without breaking any laws
If this prove to be the best way of selling a product in the future, the companies will embrace it and will put their advertising budgets in it rather than in normal advertisement.
They have already done it with the web and AdSense!
But maybe I am just a dreamer :)
Would it bother you if Product Placement would take over, and see featured product everywhere in movies and shows?
Labels: General