So... that was fun...

October 23, 2005

Getting too big for what sustains us?

What are the consequences for the humanity when we will run out of oil?
In order to answer that question, we have to fully understand how depend we are!
And boy we are depend on the stuff.
A gallon of petrol contains the energy equivalent of 500 hours (enough to propel a three-ton 4x4 along 10 miles) to push it yourself would take nearly three weeks.
But as Cuba showed after being embargoed (hence very little oil), sustainable farming techniques can make the fall not as hard.
At the end of the article you will find a list of all the things made from oil! Scary!

Will Mankind be foolish enough to fight for the last drop of oil, or wise enough to start now working on new ideas, solutions and techniques which will break our dependency?
Somehow I have the feeling the former will occur...



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