So... that was fun...

October 08, 2005

What Democracy needs to survive

Here is a good speech from Al Gore (dated October 5th, 2005) which sums up pretty well my point of view about what Democracy really is and need.
This is why my blog is called "Truth is priceless" and why I have a page on my website called "Information is power".
Only Knowledge can allow the People to stand between Power and Wealth.
If you remove the knowledge from the People, the wealthy will become more powerful and the powerful wealthier, at the expense (because there is only so much wealth!) of the rest of the population. And this is EXACTLY was is happening now in the USA. I do hope that it is not as bad yet in Europe, even if we could do better too.
People are clearly more interested in entertainment than seeking the Truth about what they are told, but I still believe that having better info and proper debates about the issues at stake would allow them to choose with their eyes open. Then if they choose wrong, at least they knew what was at stake.

As an illustration of this matter, have a look at this video of Jon Stewart being the guest of one of the Crossfire show. He is really good at using humor and irony to send the same message!



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