So... that was fun...

October 14, 2005

What Iraqis Really Think about the Occupation

Interesting article from

I particularly like the last sentence:
"From its beginning, this war has been one of perception. Perhaps the media elites, whose collaboration with the Pentagon gave public justification during the 2003 invasion, now worry that if they report that a majority of the Iraqis we are supposedly "saving from terrorism" are actually calling for our departure, any remaining support for the war will collapse."

When Bush says that they can't pull the troops out of Iraq because it would be worse, I don't think he says that because it is true, but because it scares the American people and gives him support for continuing the occupation.
I don't say that pulling the troops out would solve everything, but all in all, it might be the best move if you are interested in stopping the bloodshed there.



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