So... that was fun...

June 29, 2009

JFK and the Unspeakable

The author meticulously examines the evidence and draws conclusions which ring
with unassailable truth:
1. The CIA coordinated and implemented he assassination of President Kennedy, an act of treason which destroyed democracy in the U.S.
2. The Warren Commission was created to propagate lies to conceal the truth from the American people.
3. There has been a continued cover-up by successive administrations and their stooges in the mass media.
4. The murder of JFK is directly related to the current domination of the American people by powerful oppressors within a shadow government that will continue to insist that only sustained war can keep the country safe from its enemies, never admitting that they themselves are the supreme evil.

You can find a good review here.
And the Amazon page is here.

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June 28, 2009

Canadian health care myths

Health care reform is a heated debate in the US of A. and it should be based on facts, instead of emotions and hearsay.
Too many people are afraid that their precious model will be changed to a socialist (meaning bad) model like the Canadian one.
This article, here, from the Denver Post presents the facts as they are, and it is not very flattering for the current American model.

The Myths:
  • Taxes in Canada are extremely high, mostly because of national health care.
  • Canada's health care system is a cumbersome bureaucracy.
  • The Canadian system is significantly more expensive than that of the U.S.
  • Canada's government decides who gets health care and when they get it.
  • There are long waits for care, which compromise access to care.
  • Canadians are paying out of pocket to come to the U.S. for medical care.
  • Canada is a socialized health care system in which the government runs hospitals and where doctors work for the government.
  • There aren't enough doctors in Canada.

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