So... that was fun...

April 30, 2006

Colbert at the White House's dinner

This is an amazing performance of the Colbert in front of the President!
He is ironically praising what the White House is doing and this makes many people uneasy in the audience.

Click on the post's title for the link to some of the video, or fetch it from my server here.
More info from CNN here.

Update: The whole video on YouTube, here. The full transcript, here. Torrent file here.

Posted in: _Fun


April 29, 2006


"By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he's wrong."

- Charles Wadswort

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April 28, 2006

Too many men = more crime

A report from CBS's 60 Minutes (click on title for link) uses the case of China and its 25 years of single child policy to illustrate a know fact for sociologists...
If there are too many men in a society, many of them will stay bachelors. And men without a family (wife and kids, i.e. someone to care about) have a tendency to end up in crime or in the military (aka killing people).
So the Chineses are already forecasting a rising in criminality in their country and are also trying to curb abortion in order to have more girls being born.

Posted in: _Society , _Sciences

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April 17, 2006

Little summary of the situation in Iraq/Iran

Taken from another blogger. Full post of his here.

For Bush, or the neocons, or both, regime change in Iran not only may appear doable, it may also look like the only way out of the spectacular mess they have created in Iraq.
The logic is understandable, if malevolent. Instead of creating a secular, pro-American client state in the heart of the Middle East, the invasion of Iraq has destroyed the front-line Arab regime opposing Tehran, installed a pro-Iranian government in Baghdad and vastly increased Iranian influence, not only in Iraq, but throughout the Shi'a world. It's also moved the Revolutionary Guard one step closer to the Kuwaiti and Saudi oil fields – the prize upon which the energy security of the West depends.
By the traditional standards of U.S. foreign policy, this is a fiasco of almost unbelievable proportions. More to the point, the neocons may believe that unless they can do something dramatic to recoup those losses, they won't be able to safely withdraw large numbers of troops from Iraq, since they are A.) the only remaining source of U.S. influence in the country and B.) the only shield against Iranian infiltration of both Iraq and the Shi'a majority regions of Saudia Arabia and the Gulf emirates. Yet the military need for such a draw down becomes more critical with each passing day, as the all-volunteer Army is stretched towards its breaking point.
In other words, the administration, and the Pentagon, have gotten themselves into one hell of a jam – militarily, strategically and politically. As desperate and reckless as attempted regime change in Iran might seem to us, to the Cheneyites it may look like the only move left on the board.
Hersh suggests the neocons have convinced themselves that an air campaign against Iran would quickly lead to a popular rebellion and the overthrow of the Islamic Republic. Perhaps this is so, at least for the gullible and the ignorant among them (such as Bush.) Drowning men, after all, will clutch at straws.
But my suspicion is that at least some of the civilian war planners see events playing out very differently. They understand that air strikes would lead very quickly to a wider war, which in turn would make it politically feasible to launch a full-scale invasion of Iran.
Conventional wisdom holds that an invasion of Iran isn't militarily feasible, given how bogged down the Army is in Iraq. That being the case, the general assumption seems to be that the administration's war plan begins and ends with a major air campaign – thus the deus ex machina theory of a popular revolt against the regime.

Posted in: _IraqWar


April 16, 2006

This is not a Drill: US already in Iran

Good entry from another blogger, here.

He is reporting that the US is already having military operations in Iran (confirmed by the Iranian ambassador to the IAEA) and that there isn't going to be a congressional resolution to invade a country (there was one for Iraq) this time.
And the current administration even hopes that this is going to save them during the '06 elections...

Posted in: _Geopolitics


April 15, 2006

Global warming is good for business!

Climate change isn't all bad news. In fact, there may well be money in it.
Read the article from CNN money here.

More and more people start to understand that Global Warming is for real, and they want to do something about it.
So if you know where to invest, you might end up making money! :)

Posted in: _Economy , _Sciences

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April 12, 2006

The End of M3

Why did the US stop reporting its M3 money supply last month?
We might find a clue here.

I already posted something about money supply on my blog, here.

So basically the Fed is creating loads of USD and don't want people to notice because it would create inflation. But people are noticing anyway and this will take the value of the USD down.
And it looks like many are buying gold in order to move away from a falling USD.

Posted in: _Economy , _USA

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April 11, 2006

The Iran plans

Seymour Hersh, from The New Yorker (the guy who told us about Abu Ghraib among others) has a new piece about the US plans concerning Iran, here.

Basically the US can't allow Iran to have the bomb and seem very ready to bomb Iran in order to prevent them from going nuclear. As you can imagine bombing Iran now has enormous implications for the Middle East and even the world.
The article is based on interviews from many high level officials.

Of course the Bush administration is dismissing the whole thing, here.

Update 14Apr2006: Nice interview with Mr Hersh on DemocracyNow, here.

Posted in: _Geopolitics


The Rape of Russia

Here are 3 documents bringing into light the way the USA destroyed Russia's economy and impoverished its people during the 90's.

The first, here, is Anne Williamson's testimony before the Committee on Banking and Financial Services of the U.S. House of Representatives, presented Sept. 21, 1999.
The 2 others, here and here, are complementary articles.

This illustrates very well what I was talking about in my previous post, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.

Posted in: _Democracy , _Geopolitics , _Economy

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April 08, 2006

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

Incredible interview from John Perkins, author of "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" by, here. Link to the book here.

This guy explains how the USA uses its power and/or the money from the World Bank and the IMF to basically steal the resources (hence the wealth associated to it) from many countries (Russia (I have some good stuff on this coming up soon), many south Americans countries, Saudi Arabia, Iraq,...).
The trick is simple. Force (or convince in diplomatic terms) a country with plenty of natural resources to take a huge loan from the world bank to build things it can't really afford. Then make sure that these are built by American firms. Then the country sits with a huge loan and no ability to repay it! It is here where the economic hitman comes in and demands to be repaid with a piece of the National jewels, like oil contracts where most of the profit go to the US firm pumping the crude or that all the dollars earned from oil have to be reinvested in the USA.
All these little games make sure that the resources are transferred under US control and that the people getting rich in the process are Americans, not the local people who owned the resources in the first place (the film Syriana, here, is a very good example of this).

The problem is when the president is too committed to his people... Then he faces a choice, either he agrees to the demands of the US and makes millions of money through huge contracts as a pay off or there is a bullet with his name on it (or his plane crashes).
The guy telling the story is giving plenty of examples!


Posted in: _Democracy , _Geopolitics , _Economy

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Zimbabweans have 'shortest lives'

Full article from the BBC here.

Life in Zimbabwe is shorter than anywhere else in the world, with neither men nor women expected to live until 40, a new UN report says.

Zimbabwe's economy has shrunk by an estimated 40% in the last seven years under President Robert Mugabe.

Thanks Bob!

Posted in: _Democracy , _Economy , _Society

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April 07, 2006

Bush 'approved intelligence leak'

All the big channels are reporting the breaking news (BBC here, NYT here and CNN here and here).

Mr Libby, former chief of staff of Cheney currently under investigation for his role in the leak of the name of the CIA agent Valerie Plame, said that US President George W Bush authorized the leak of secret intelligence to a newspaper to help defend the Iraq war.

This won't hep Bush in the opinion poll...

Posted in: _IraqWar


April 04, 2006

The difference 20 years make in crude oil prices has an interesting article about Oil production in the last 20 years, here.

But in relation with peak oil, this is the best quote of the article:
"Also, 2005 will go down in history books as perhaps the poorest year for exploration success for both oil and gas since World War II. This dismal success was not for lack of effort. Record amounts of funds are being plowed into E&P capital spending, which is why all the world's rigs are now in use."

So if production flattens and world demand increases.. Oh well you know what will happen :)

Posted in: _PeakOil , _Economy

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April 02, 2006

Rewriting the Science

This report from the CBS show "60 Minutes" (transcript here) tell us about this climate change scientist working for NASA and how he has been silenced by the White House.
He tell us that all the scientific reports going to the public have now to go through the White House for review, and how they get rewritten by lawyers or politicians.
The White House is downplaying the importance of global warming and the guy responsible for reviewing the reports (Phil Cooney) was a lobbyist for the American Petroleum Institute. He now works for Exxon Mobil.

If this is of any interest to you, I recommend you read the transcript or watch the video for more details. It is really worth it!

Posted in: _Sciences , _USA , _Democracy

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Bush-Blair Iraq war memo revealed

Both the BBC (here) and the NYT (here) reveal an interesting Iraq war memo showing that the US was firmly on the path to war already 2 months before the invasion of Iraq.

Best parts:
"Our diplomatic strategy had to be arranged around the military planning,"

"The memo also shows that the president and the prime minister acknowledged that no unconventional weapons had been found inside Iraq. Faced with the possibility of not finding any before the planned invasion, Mr. Bush talked about several ways to provoke a confrontation, including a proposal to paint a United States surveillance plane in the colors of the United Nations in hopes of drawing fire, or assassinating Mr. Hussein."

The memo said Mr. Blair told Mr. Bush, "If anything went wrong with the military campaign, or if Saddam increased the stakes by burning the oil wells, killing children or fomenting internal divisions within Iraq, a second resolution would give us international cover, especially with the Arabs."

"The U.S. would put its full weight behind efforts to get another resolution and would twist arms and even threaten,"

Posted in: _IraqWar



"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use."

-Soren Kierkegaard

More from the same person here.

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