So... that was fun...

April 08, 2006

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

Incredible interview from John Perkins, author of "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" by, here. Link to the book here.

This guy explains how the USA uses its power and/or the money from the World Bank and the IMF to basically steal the resources (hence the wealth associated to it) from many countries (Russia (I have some good stuff on this coming up soon), many south Americans countries, Saudi Arabia, Iraq,...).
The trick is simple. Force (or convince in diplomatic terms) a country with plenty of natural resources to take a huge loan from the world bank to build things it can't really afford. Then make sure that these are built by American firms. Then the country sits with a huge loan and no ability to repay it! It is here where the economic hitman comes in and demands to be repaid with a piece of the National jewels, like oil contracts where most of the profit go to the US firm pumping the crude or that all the dollars earned from oil have to be reinvested in the USA.
All these little games make sure that the resources are transferred under US control and that the people getting rich in the process are Americans, not the local people who owned the resources in the first place (the film Syriana, here, is a very good example of this).

The problem is when the president is too committed to his people... Then he faces a choice, either he agrees to the demands of the US and makes millions of money through huge contracts as a pay off or there is a bullet with his name on it (or his plane crashes).
The guy telling the story is giving plenty of examples!


Posted in: _Democracy , _Geopolitics , _Economy

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