So... that was fun...

January 28, 2010

More on Running

"Shoes may have changed how we run", article from the BBC here.

Landing on your heel is clearly not a good idea... :)


January 11, 2010


Some languages have two words for “we”, inclusive (me and others and you) and exclusive (me and others but no you). In English there are three: the regular we meaning you and I, as in “we had dinner together”; the royal we meaning I, as in “we are not amused”; and the marital we meaning you, as in “we need to take out the garbage.”

- The Economist Readers' letters


January 10, 2010

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Plastic in the Ocean: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, twice the size of Texas, plus how it pollutes life on Earth and our own organisms. The article is here.

If you wanna dig deeper, there is good stuff to read here, here and here.

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Sustainable Energy

How did a Cambridge physics professor come to write this year's must-read book about tackling our future energy needs, here or here.
Someone finally gathers the numbers so we can talk about the problem in a fact-based fashion!

You can read the book online, download the PDF for free or buy a hard copy on Amazon.

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