So... that was fun...

January 13, 2008

West’s deadly nuclear secrets

A WHISTLEBLOWER has made a series of extraordinary claims about how corrupt government officials allowed Pakistan and other states to steal nuclear weapons secrets.
Sibel Edmonds, a 37-year-old former Turkish language translator for the FBI, listened into hundreds of sensitive intercepted conversations while based at the agency’s Washington field office.

The whole article is here.

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Energy Saving Bulb Warning

Energy-saving light bulbs are so dangerous that everyone must leave the room for at least 15 minutes if one falls to the floor and breaks, a Government department warned yesterday.
The startling alert came as health experts also warned that toxic mercury inside the bulbs can aggravate a range of problems including migraines and dizziness.

More here.


January 06, 2008

Don't invent, evolve

“I HAVE not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” That is how Thomas Edison described his laborious attempts to perfect the incandescent light bulb. Yet an emerging technique for developing inventions knocks even Edison's exhaustive approach into a cocked hat. Evolutionary design, as it is known, enables a computer to run through tens of millions of variations on an invention until it hits on the best solution to a problem.

It is interesting to see that with this method we find designs that are the most efficient and which we would never have thought of trying.

The while article is here.


Science vs Faith

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