So... that was fun...

October 28, 2007


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October 21, 2007

The Results of Buddha's Teachings

"It is only a question of time before our meditations will bring a steady state of bliss comparable only to union with our best partners. No outer means can create joys which are not inherently in ourselves. Searching for happiness through possessions or the impressions of our senses is like trying to move something from a long distance with a wobbly pole. It is very imprecise and one often gets unwanted results."
-Lama Ole Nydahl

His website is here.


Inside France's secret war

For 40 years, the French government has been fighting a secret war in Africa, hidden not only from its people, but from the world. It has led the French to slaughter democrats, install dictator after dictator – and to fund and fuel the most vicious genocide since the Nazis. Today, this war is so violent that thousands are fleeing across the border from the Central African Republic into Darfur – seeking sanctuary in the world's most notorious killing fields

Read the whole article here.

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October 17, 2007

Under The Influence

Amazing report from 60 minutes showing how Congress voted the Medicare prescription drug law which is basically a very bad deal for the people and a very good one for the pharmaceutical companies. It shows how the lobbyists did their work and how arms were twisted and rules bent to get the law the possibility to get through.

Read the whole report here.


October 13, 2007


Click on image for full size.


October 07, 2007

Appendix may be useful

The appendix “acts as a good safe house for bacteria,” . The location of the appendix — just below the normal one-way flow of food and germs in the large intestine in a sort of gut cul-de-sac — helps support the theory.
Also, the worm-shaped organ outgrowth acts like a bacteria factory, cultivating the good germs.
That use is not needed in a modern industrialized society. If a person’s gut flora dies, they can usually repopulate it easily with germs they pick up from other people. But before dense populations in modern times and during epidemics of cholera that affected a whole region, it wasn’t as easy to grow back that bacteria and the appendix came in handy.

Full article here.


October 06, 2007

Funny Stuff

Click on image for full size.


October 05, 2007

Ethanol not so good

Ethanol is actually not a good alternative to petrol at all!

It usually takes oil to make ethanol, the amount of heat you get from burning a liter of ethanol is a third less than that from a liter of petrol. What is more, it absorbs water from the atmosphere.
But scientist might find other ways to make engineered fuels.

More info from The Economist, here.

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