So... that was fun...

February 26, 2007

No Atheist President for the USA

Source from Reuters, here.

So people in the USA would rather elect a homosexual than an atheist (Cf source). Even among conservatives!
Personally I think none of these two should matter but the point I would like to make here is that that country is way too religious for its own good.
And on top of that it does not make any sense!!
Bush has been the most religious president in a long time and look at the mess he took the USA into! He did not follow what religion should have pushed him to do once (do not steal, do not kill, take care of poor people, take care of the Earth and ...) So the argument that a pious religious person is more "trustable" than an atheist is simply non-sense.
And this is what bothers me in the whole thing, that Americans don't think with their heads, that they think with their guts. And the last 6 years have showed us beautifully how wrong this can be.

Posted in: _USA


February 19, 2007

Extraordinary renditions in the EU

So they knew and cooperated with the US on this, even though they denied it...

The UK, Germany and Italy were among 14 states which allowed the US to forcibly remove terror suspects, lawmakers said.
The EU parliament voted to accept a resolution condemning member states which accepted or ignored the practice.
The EU report said the CIA had operated 1,245 flights, some taking suspects to states where they could face torture.

Source: BBC, here.

Posted in: _HumanRights , _Europe , _USA

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February 02, 2007


"The nice thing about being a celebrity is that when you bore people, they think it's their fault."

- Henry Kissinger
