So... that was fun...

March 13, 2006

The Silent Takeover Review

Thanks to the globalization of capitalism, big multinationals are now more powerful and richer than many states. Also thanks to globalization, big companies now have enormous bargaining clout against government (desperate for jobs) and often get tax reduction and/or subsidies from them.
With their hands and feet tied up, governments have more and more troubles raising enough money to carry out social plans ensuring a more equal society. Indeed, the richer get richer and the poorer poorer!
Moreover the difference between right and left parties is shrinking since they have to obey to the corporate imperatives. And this in turn makes people more and more uninterested in politics and voting. The only power people have left is boycotting products and mass protest. But the truth about corruption and misconducts has to be put in the open. And this simple but essential thing is put in jeopardy when the medias are either own by big groups or dependent on advertising money. So we end up in a situation where people have to care so much that they would actively seek for all that is deliberately hidden from them. Fat chance!!
They are indeed either too busy working 2 crapy jobs in order to survive or too taken by the 21st century "bread and circus" shielding them from the truth!
Let's simply hope that things like the Internet will help raise consciousness about what is really going on and make people regroup and fight for society's good.
Otherwise it is fucked basically! Richer will get richer and poorer will get poorer...

The book illustrates all this in a very good and detailed way. Highly recommended!
It focuses its examples on the US and UK, where capitalism is at its best. So it might seem a bit unbelievable for most europeans. But at the same time it is a good reminder that some basics have to be protected from the market rule (like health, public medias, social benefits,...).

Posted in: _Democracy , _Economy

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