So... that was fun...

March 08, 2009

Waste handling

Last week's Economist had a very informative report of waste and how it is handled in different countries but also on a world base (since countries ship their waste to others). Here are the articles:
My conclusion of the whole thing is that this culture of infinite growth we have is madness and will only make us more miserable in the long run.
Indeed, we live in a finite space, with finite amount of energy and water available. As if this was not enough, we are not able (yet?) to do many basic things in an environmental friendly way (we use and release so much chemicals in nature!). So we are basically destroying the planet we depend on for our survival.
So I say:
  1. Always aiming for more humans is wrong (I am not talking about population control but more about a change in mindset)
  2. Zero pollution must be the aim
  3. GDP growth for its own sake is not the answer. What matter is people well being not how much they consume
  4. Water is getting so scarce in places that they have to filter and drink sewage water. Alarm bells anyone?

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