Hearing capabilities: curse or gift?
This article from the NYT tells us that one's hearing abilities decrease with time. Nothing new so far :)
But the thing is that what is decreasing is your ability to hear high frequency sounds.
So as for everything, you can use it for good or for bad...
One usage is as described in the article, namely to have your ringing tone using a high frequency sound so the teacher in the class don't hear when you receive an SMS.
The other (the one I called the revenge of the oldies) is to generate loud high frequency sound in order to chase the youngsters partying in your backyard. A bit like chasing the mosquitos away with this PC program.
Here is the link to the MP3 file you can use to test how good your hearing abilities are :)
Posted in: _Sciences , _Society
But the thing is that what is decreasing is your ability to hear high frequency sounds.
So as for everything, you can use it for good or for bad...
One usage is as described in the article, namely to have your ringing tone using a high frequency sound so the teacher in the class don't hear when you receive an SMS.
The other (the one I called the revenge of the oldies) is to generate loud high frequency sound in order to chase the youngsters partying in your backyard. A bit like chasing the mosquitos away with this PC program.
Here is the link to the MP3 file you can use to test how good your hearing abilities are :)
Posted in: _Sciences , _Society
Seen on silicon.fr + NYT as well yesterday, and downloaded it on my Treo !
Tested it on my team : The younger, the more they are disturbed. But everyone can ear, if the room is silent.
Tested it on a younger population (End of the year school show of my daughter) : Some can almost roll over the floor ... headache
Flying Duck
Anonymous, at 15/6/06 22:06
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