So... that was fun...

February 05, 2006

SOTU: Krugman comments

Another reaction to the SOTU 2006.

I watched the SOTU and I have to admit that all this nice sentences and fine words usually leave me very puzzled (and the ones standing up and applauding every 2 minutes because the greatness of the USA has been mention are plainly irritating, borderline stupid).
Where things start to get a bit more interesting is when people comment on the SOTU and show you how much bullsh*t there really was in it.
Paul has some good input for this :)

Bush: "Replace more than 75 percent of our oil imports from the Middle East."
Paul: "The administration has actually been scaling back the very research that Mr. Bush hyped Tuesday night: the National Renewable Energy Laboratory is about to lay off staff because of budget cuts."

More stuff in the piece from Mr Krugman.

Posted in: _USA , _Geopolitics

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