So... that was fun...

September 01, 2005

Reforming the U.N, but for my OWN gain!

Finally Bush got Bolton to be the US ambassador to the U.N. And boy he started working fast!

The 450 changes that Washington is demanding to the action agenda that will culminate at the September 2005 United Nations summit don't represent U.N. reform. They are a clear onslaught against any move that could strengthen the United Nations or international law.

Once again, the USA want to have it their way, and they don't give a f*ck about the greater good of humanity, justice or making the world a better place.
They simply want to carry on doing exactly what they feel like doing, and not being part of any international law they don't like.

Have a look in the article at all the points they want deleted from the negociated document made to reform the U.N!

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