So... that was fun...

July 21, 2005

6h is not enough

Today I would like to talk about sleep...

According to my experience, if one doesn't want to be tired the next day, one has to sleep around 7,5h during the night. If you go down to 6h, you feel it next day!

So now I am wondering if you guys have experiences about sleep and the best way to sleep efficiently...
Is it better to get up always at the same time, or go to bed at the same time?
Is it better to sleep during the same period of the day (say between 12:00 and 7:30) ?
Or is it better to sleep when one is tired, i.e. any time during the day, if one can?

If you have experience, link to studies, books you wanna share, please do so :)



  • My experience about sleep :

    Sunday night : 4 to 5 hours
    Monday to Thursday : 5 to 6 hours
    Friday and Saturday if no party : around 10 hours.

    Worked fine for last 6 years.

    Flying Duck

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 21/7/05 08:46  

  • Can you please be quiet! I'm still sleeping during my first two hours at work.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 21/7/05 09:38  

  • Why waste time on something so unnecessary as sleeping when you can do so much more with your time ;) like suprising your lover, perhaps? ;)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 17/8/05 18:22  

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